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learn the names.

Our mission at Givr is to learn as many names as possible. Names from all over the world. To the right, you'll see a live listing of the names and stories that people have shared through their Givr experiences. Submit your own by subscribing to Givr and sharing a name learned in your dashboard.




Lavey looked to be about 16 or 17 years old. He was asking people who were passing by to give him money in order to get together enough ($40) to spend the night in a hotel. I didn't have any cash but gave him a Givr package and some food.




30 something male at corner of Old Georgetown and Rockville Pike with homeless sign going car to car. SUCH a smile when he received his GIVR package. He said "God bless you, you are doing a good deed, Thank you"... what more could warm your heart



Washington, DC

walked to Post Office, picked up my box of Givr packages, on the walk back Agula approached asking for money. I didn't have money but had the Givr packages so I gave her one, on Pennsylvania Ave



Falls Church, VA

Tom was standing in the median when I was stopped at a light in the Sevem Corners area. In the short conversation we had, he told methat he had an on-the-job accident and was waiting an imminent settlement; he actually lifted up his shirt to reveal a huge scar running down his torso. Despite this adversity, he had a cheery disposition and seemed to be in good spirits. He was very grateful to receive the Givr package.

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